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Nielsen Observing early evening49 views


Accretion48 viewsA young planetary system forming from dust rings that surround a central star. A three paneled drawing done in Bic pen, Sharpie, and colored pencil on white paper.


Messier 31, The Great Andromeda Galaxy47 views

Pleiades47 viewsAn elaboration on M45. Sharpie, Bic pen, and colored pencil on white paper.

Messier 22, a Globular Cluster in Sagattarius46 views


Waning Daylight Moon46 viewsWaning moon sketched in colored pencil on light blue paper at 2:00 pm on 5/5/13...just before it dipped behind the trees in my backyard in Oberlin. The image is displayed as I saw it through the eyepiece, so the features are upside down. I believe the dark spot at lower right is Grimaldi crater, while the lighter blemish just above it is Schickard. The lower portion appeared darker than the upper because of Oceanus Procellarum.

Ursa Major stacked and despeckled in GIMP46 viewsSame as the other U Major image, but a stack of 5 images aligned with Hugin on the linux command line and stacked, then despeckled to remove vignetting

Messier 27, The Dumbbell Nebula45 views

Venus Transit 00445 viewsPretty good traffic for an out of the way beachfront.
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