Last additions

3 guests at the Global Warming Station with Codi and Brendan Keenan12 viewsJun 25, 2015

Steve Schauer's Art9 viewsJun 25, 2015

Starry Day9 viewsA piece of folk art found in an antique shop by John O'Neal in Charlotte, NC. It's a stylized account of Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night, with the Charlotte, NC skyline along Rt 79 as a foredrop.Jun 25, 2015

More of John O'Neal's Art11 viewsJun 25, 2015

Susan Schauer's Infomercial for the Art Gallery9 viewsJun 25, 2015

More Len Jezior Art8 viewsJun 25, 2015

Len Jezior's Art12 viewsJun 25, 2015

Kelly Rick's Art10 viewsJun 25, 2015

John O'Neal's Art10 viewsJun 25, 2015

Scott Schneider10 viewsJun 25, 2015

Dan Walker and Jeffrey Walsh10 viewsJun 23, 2015

Global Warming Demo Poster8 viewsJun 23, 2015
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