Last additions - John O'Neal's Solar System Objects

Venus and the Pleiades3 viewsVenus and the Pleiades From the Southern Star Party at Wildacres Retreat @ 3,300 feet.Apr 18, 2015

Moon-Mars conjunction of June 7, 20144 viewsThe Moon was only 1.6 degrees away from Mars (visually) last night. This is a composite image. I shot the Moon at optimum settings, then did the same for Mars. Then I combined the two as layers in The Gimp photo editing software. Jun 08, 2014

5 viewsMay 28, 2014

1 viewsMay 28, 2014

4 viewsMay 28, 2014

3 viewsMay 28, 2014

New Moon3 viewsMar 29, 2014

Calcium K Solar Mosaic10 viewsLUNT LS12CaKMDs2 Calcium-K module in straight extension tube in a Lunt Engineering (LE102 OTA) 102mm ED Doublet @ f/7.0, Focal Length = 714mm, w/Fully multi-coated lenses & 10:1 Crayford Style Focuser.Mounted on a Celestron CG5-GOTO & field Tripod.Images shot with an Imging Source DMK31AU03.as. 2 piece mosaic.Dec 27, 2013

Full Spectrum Solar Mosaic13 viewsBaader 2" Herschel Safety Wedge Solar Prism - Version "P" in a Lunt Engineering (LE102 OTA) 102mm ED Doublet @ f/7.0, Focal Length = 714mm, w/Fully multi-coated lenses & 10:1 Crayford Style Focuser.Mounted on a Celestron CG5-GOTO & field Tripod.Images shot with an Imaging Source DMK31AU03.as. 2 piece mosaic.Dec 27, 2013

The Charlotte, North Carolina Bank of America Tower and The Moon30 viewsApr 24, 2013

The Great Perseid Meteor Shower of 200925 viewsThis composite image was shot in the wee hours of the morning of August 12th, 2009. Shortly before morning twilight began to break, the heavens opened up and a maelstrom of fireballs rained upward from Mighty Perseus' radiant low in the northeast sky. It was a sight to behold and one I shall never forget...Apr 24, 2013

32 viewsApr 16, 2013