Black River Astronomical Society Gallery

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Image search results - "maria"
Waning Daylight Moon46 viewsWaning moon sketched in colored pencil on light blue paper at 2:00 pm on 5/5/13...just before it dipped behind the trees in my backyard in Oberlin. The image is displayed as I saw it through the eyepiece, so the features are upside down. I believe the dark spot at lower right is Grimaldi crater, while the lighter blemish just above it is Schickard. The lower portion appeared darker than the upper because of Oceanus Procellarum.
Full Moon11 viewsA collage of torn and paint-spattered black construction paper depicting the full moon. You can read further comments about it on my blog here:
First Quarter Moon10 viewsIn this drawing, I've interpreted real lunar features with a bit of artistic license. The Sea of Rains is the central focus. Framing some prominent craters, this ancient volcanic plain is edged from south to north by the Appenine and Caucasus mountains, and capped by the "Alpine Valley." The northern Sea of Cold bleeds around the crater Aristotle and into the lakes of Death and Dreams, finally bringing the eye to rest on a Sea of Serenity. It is easy to get carried away with such poetic names!
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